• Submission

Submission Guideline-

Authors may submit two types of contributions: Abstract (For oral presentation only and will not be published) and full papers (10-15 pages in length), plus references. If the paper exceeds 20 pages, additional pages will be charged at 50 USD per page. Full papers should be submitted following the format of the conference template.

Oral Presentation Guideline

The oral presentations should last about 15 minutes, including 2-3 minutes for questions and answers. Participants should prepare the PPT for the presentation in advance. Please note that the official language is English.

Review Process

The objective of the review phase is to provide a constructive evaluation of the submitted work. Each paper will be ranked based on factors such as technical merit, originality of the work, potential impact of the results, quality of presentation, adequacy of citations, and reproducibility. Papers will be peer-reviewed. Papers out of scope, with missing affiliations, missing email addresses, a high similarity to other publications and language deficiencies will immediately be rejected.

Originality and Concurrent Submissions

Papers must be original. Concurrent contributions are not accepted. Papers that have been published or accepted in any peer-reviewed journal or at conferences/seminars and published in Proceedings are not accepted. Papers that are in the process of revision or are to be submitted to other conferences or publications will not be accepted. However, papers previously presented orally or as posters in venues without formal proceedings are welcome.

Related Links

Important Dates

Mar. 20, 2025

Submission Deadline

Both full paper and abstract can be submitted, but the abstract can not be published.

Apr. 20, 2025

Notification Deadline

You will receive the final decision on acceptance or rejection.

May 10, 2025

Registration Deadline

The Camera Ready should be submitted with other required documents.